AI Model Design and Development and Applied Mathematics

We develop Artificial Intelligence models to support the decision making process in companies.


By analyzing and processing the data, we performed a mathematical modeling.

We build and estimate mathematical models in a rigorous manner that support decision making for process optimization and automation. To achieve this, we follow a design or conceptualization methodology based on the fundamentals of design thinking and the development is done using a CRISP-MA methodology.

Implementation CRISP-MA


Service uses and applications

Our clients have also included AI in their businesses

We have partnered with some of the best companies in the world to offer the best services. Meet our clients and partners who decided to implement this service:

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Do you want your business to be at the forefront?


From advanced analyses that allow to obtain information in a fast and intuitive way, Quantil ensures that the organization's models are of quality and allow to have a technical feasibility for the development of mathematics.

In this way, the client receives:

Accurate information to make better decisions regarding the operation of the business.

Design of a technological solution involving data analysis and processing.

Specification of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that responds to the organization's specific need.

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