
Research and development - Seminars

Fundamentos del precio de la electricidad en los mercados de generación hidrotermal:

A hydrothermal power generation market is characterized by a strong dependence on water reservoir capacity and fossil fuel sources, which causes differences in generation marginal costs and high variability of the electricity spot price. Therefore, this study proposes an empirical approach to identify the price determinants and their effects on price dynamics. This paper presents two methodologies: a machine learning approach and a quantile regression analysis. The first method is used to validate the price determinants through a prediction process, and the second, the quantile regression, to identify the non-linear effects. The most important factors observed are total market demand, water reservoirs capacity for generation, and fossil fuel consumption. The results offer a new perspective about the market structure and spot price volatility.



Andrés Felipe Oviedo Gómez


14 de Octubre de 2021

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Fundamentos del precio de la electricidad en los mercados de generación hidrotermal

YouTube – Quantil Matemáticas Aplicadas



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