Mathematics of Discontent: A Study of the Panamanian Protests from Graph and Game Theory
During the second half of 2022, Panama faced an unprecedented social event. Although in the past there have been protests by certain social sectors, never before had there been such a massive demonstration that included different sectors of Panamanian society ...
Algorithmic Justice
Fairness in artificial intelligence models: how to mitigate discrimination in the presence of multiple sensitive attributes?
Let's suppose we have a machine learning model,
𝑓, that predicts the price of an insurance premium,
Y, based on data that includes a sensitive attribute, such as gender. Discrimination may occur due to a statistical bias...
Translation models for the preservation of indigenous languages in Colombia
According to the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) there are 69 languages spoken in Colombian territory, 65 of which are indigenous languages. This makes Colombia the third most linguistically diverse country in Latin America, after Brazil and Mexico, with a notable concentration in the Amazon and Vaupés...
Optimal designs for electricity auctions
This blog entry is based on my master's thesis in Industrial Engineering and Economics at the Universidad de los Andes, titled "Optimal Design for Electricity Auctions: A Deep Learning Approach."
Invisible Victims: Estimating Underreporting in the Armed Conflict
The internal armed conflict in Colombia represents a large portion of the country's history. The dispute for power and territorial control between different armed groups and state institutions has unleashed the violation of human rights.
Algorithmic Justice
Trade-off between justice and adjustment: a case study of crime
The study of algorithmic justice emerged in 2011 with Cynthia Dwork [1], who based it on the principle of equal opportunity: all people, regardless of their characteristics, should be able to access the same opportunities and benefits.
Policy Evaluation Under Markovian Noise Using The Online Bootstrap Inference Algorithm
Imagine being able to abstract the world in such a way that it is possible to quantitatively evaluate the benefit of taking certain actions over time. The good news is that this is not far-fetched, in fact one of the ways to do it is by using the theory around Reinforcement Learning (RL).
Who Owes Nothing, Fears Nothing?
Thanks to advances in computing power; machine and deep learning; and artificial intelligence (AI), applications of technology that once seemed like science fiction are now on the horizon.
Diesel And Gasoline: Is The Country Ready To Abandon Regulated Pricing?
Would you be surprised if from one month to the next gasoline went up $2,000 pesos per gallon? The financial data would say no. In simple terms, we can imagine volatility as what we would consider normal movements.
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