Correction of anomalies in the registration of invoices

We conducted analytics awareness activities aimed at identifying, evaluating and prioritizing opportunities for their use within the Bolsa Mercantil de Colombia.


The development of this project is based on three main components: The first one corresponds to the implementation of techniques for data processing   and data cleaning. At this point, the aim is to complete missing values, identify and correct errors to determine if there is technical feasibility for the application of analytical strategies. In the second component segmentation strategies for anomaly detection were implemented. Finally, analytical strategies were implemented to correct pricing errors.


With the development of the prototype, BMC has valuable information to improve the accuracy and reliability of the analysis of invoice records. This allows making better decisions regarding the analysis of prices and quantities for the commercial area.

By filtering out inconsistencies, quality information is available to increase the visibility of the invoice register as a tool for monitoring activity in the agricultural sector. 

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